she's only 9.5 lbs.....but she thinks she's a rottweiler........i'll have to hand it to her tho, she is an excellent guard of this truck.....she'd take on anybody that dared to try to get in ....even to get too close.......
we admit it tho....she's spoiled.....she thinks the truck is hers and she merely lets us drive her around so that she can bark at other dogs and take care of her business in various locations from coast to coast...........she's so spoiled that she has pretty much taken over our bunk......being a burrowing kind of dog, she has laid claim to all the pillows.......and the minute your butt hits the bunk, it's hers for the snuggling........which can be really nice on a cold winter night, but come summer, you wish she wasn't so i guess it wasn't any surprise when we saw this cartoon and it hit so close to home.......
I can relate to this. We keep Molly shaved in the summer as she also like to snuggle and man oh man is she one hot dog! Our truck dogs are spoiled rotten and we sure have fun keeping them that way.
HA....lets put it right..she is not spoiled, she is the Cammanding General of all we do, she gets her way because she demands it...god, I love that dog...hehehehe
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