Thursday, May 27, 2010

Hi, there. I'm a napkin.

monday brad and i had the good fortune of picking up a load in emporia, kansas, which meant that we got to see our daughter-in-law, gwen, and the grandkids...... jj was out of the country on a business trip to london and tel aviv, so the best we could figure was that missing our visit was his we had lunch with gwen and jacey at pizza ranch, a really cute pizza buffet place that has excellant food and a western atmosphere.......i always enjoy places that add a little nuance into the finer details......the little things.....and although i really loved the decor of this little place, it was the back of the napkins that did it for me.........

when ya think about it, anywhere ya eat.....anytime ya get always need napkins.....and they do kinda have a somewhat thankless job....people use them, thoughtlessly, to wipe their mouth, clean up kid's faces and hands, wipe up dropped food off their own clothes and even blow their noses in them.........kinda seems to me like one of the toughest jobs too......

here lately, brad and i have picked up alot of trailers that other drivers have dropped with numerous problems that they should have taken care of...but didn't........we're also frequently asked to meet a truck and repower their load, that a) was a team load and a solo driver picked it up, b) is a hazmat load that a non-hazmat driver tried to pick up, or c) the driver doesn't have the hours to run the load........not to mention all the repowers we do in order to help another team get home or because their truck has broken down......

there are alot of names that people in our line of work get called.....some seriously, some humorously.....truckdriver, driver, freight relocation specialist, hand, professional tourist, asphalt cowboys,.......but after lunch at the pizza ranch i know we also have another name......napkin.....coz we're always cleaning up other people's messes.

1 comment:

Ms. Crawford said...

I love this post. You have a way with your writing. Great analogy. Yet another way to look at things, through the life of a napkin. I will be sure from here on out to pay a little more attention to my napkin, my catch all!