Thursday, March 12, 2009

biscuits and gravy

any of you who follow my blog and are also truckdrivers have probably heard by now that the february issue of the pilot truckstop magazine had a great article in it about truckdrivers who blog.....i have had the best time reading those, some of whom are really starting to feel like old and dear friends as brad and i keep up with their daily antics........the writing is exceptional, the photography phenomenal and of course the subject matter is always on course with our daily lives, trials, and experiences.......there's traveler, who wrote the article for the magazine, gigi, who hails from the great state of west virginia also, stace and hedron who share our views on just about everything from driving and company stupidity to politics .....and then there is salena, of the daily rant.......not just a talented driver and writer, salena is an outstanding photographer who has some fantastic pictures posted with her blogs.....and some of my favorites are from some of the meals she enjoys, both on the road and home.....they are so life-like that i dare not check out her blog on an empty the other day, while having breakfast at home.....biscuits and gravy......(wayyyyyy better than any truckstop's!!)....i saw the camera sitting there.....the gravy was still steaming.......the sausage bits were, salena....this one is for you!


Team Caffee said...

NO MORE FOOD PICTURES!! Jeez I love biscuits and gravy. Oh well now that I think about you have posted a picture of your Keylime Pie and that would have been bad to!

The Daily Rant said...

Biscuits and gravy would be one of the things I've never made and I'm not sure I would even attempt it since I have a boyfriend from Texas with a mother who makes her sausage gravy from scratch! I'm not sure I can even live up to that!!

But I do love eating them!!

OK, and not to be picky...because I so appreciate you mentioning me in your post and for being so complimentary about my photography and my food, but I have to point out that you misspelled my name. It's Salena.

I'll let it slide if you fix it....AND promise me some biscuits and gravy if I'm ever in your next of the woods!! :)

Anonymous said...

Man! That looks good! I'm seriously hungry right now. Don't think I can even force another McDonalds meal past my lips. Will this trip ever end?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I am actually a biscuits and gravy expert. I've eaten them everywhere, and that is part of what keeps me so annoyingly rotund. I cannot imagine a world without biscuits and gravy.

My opinion of your biscuits and gravy, based on photo alone, is ... YUM! Do you make the roux with bacon or sausage grease? Or a combo of both? That's my favorite.

Too bad we're shutting down in Indiana. Indiana is a nice enough state, but I've found that ordering biscuits and gravy north of the Mason-Dixon line is a risky undertaking. Oh, and in the northwest, too. Once, in Oregon, I got some biscuits and gravy which had onions in the gravy. Onions, I say! Blasphemy!

all things bradbury said...

about the depends on what i have on hand.....if i have bacon then definately some of the bacon grease goes in there too....but sometimes i just go with the sausage......the combo of bacon grease and sausage is my favorite too....hey, if i'm gonna clog my arteries, might as well do it right!.....and i hate to tell you, but i have been known to slip a little onion in there from time to time....course, i run on the theory that anything good is a little bit gooder with some onion in i promise...if you come by for biscuits and gravy, i'll leave the onion out that